Sunday, June 7, 2015

What lies between

(Photo Credit: CC,

Written on: 10/13/12

Such an epic to see those living wonders
That I would carry them forever in my pocket
If I were able I would fold them up
And carefully place them while wearing gloves
Not to tarnish or stain their very presence
With that taint which exist with me inherent
I could see them now in that distant place
Like two worlds apart with no separation between
Not even a foot, or any measure distinct
Such beauty and serene scenes
Tied up with no word to discern them
Only comparisons from one to the other
Intertwined like oceans and water
Where one is hard and solid and bare
The other is incorporeal shifting and fair
While one is strong and monumentous
That by seeing its twin you'd think it victorious
But how can one win in standards not there
When in not one way can either compare
So if you ever by chance see a mountain so tall
That it wraps around the sky's grand walls
Think to yourself as you're want to do
What lies between the earth, the heavens, and you

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